- Please come early. Shoot me a quick text if you will be late or not there (“so and so won’t be there/will be late”). I do plan my practices with a set number of kids in mind so the sooner you text me the sooner I can adjust my plans.
- Equipment: everyone needs a ball or you may be sitting out on some drills. Cleats and shin guards are needed but not mandatory. Water bottles are encouraged, especially the squirting kind so we can have water fights.
- Clothing: Make it weather-appropriate. Do not wear jeans.
- Weather: Raining? No practice. No need to call me. Can’t decide? Then assume we will have practice.
- Parents are encouraged to hang around during practices, you get some exercise, the kids behave more, and your kid is more interested since you are more interested. I’m willing to teach you too. :)
- Everyone needs a minimum of fifteen minutes to prepare (5 for check-in, 5 for warm-up, 5 for assigning positions) so I recommend you show up half an hour before kickoff. Coming late will mean loss of playing time.
- Schedules are online at Email me with any conflicts you may have. If many cannot make a game I need to reschedule before the first game.
- Coaching your kid during games - keep it positive. This is your chance to tell them ‘good job’, ‘have fun’, and ‘I love you’. This page says it well.
- Rainouts: Go to to check. Do not call me or KASL.
- Snack list – To Be Determined.
- Picture days are on the schedule.
- Concession days (if any) are on the schedule. I may need volunteers to help me work for a couple hours.